Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ Affairs and Social Affairs Zoran Djordjevic visited the DEKI 5 football camp at the Junior Hotel in Brzece in the company of Dejan Stanković and Biljana Barošević, ed. Assistant Minister in the Sector for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities.
In the camp DEKI 5, which was founded in 2018 by Dejan Stankovic, a celebrated Serbian footballer and a representative of Serbia, this year for the first time children with different types of disabilities and children without parental care also participated.
Minister Djordjevic thanked Dejan Stankovic for everything he does for children and their childhood, as well as on accepting the mentioned initiative.
“All children deserve careless childhood and the conditions for a happy and healthy growing up, and the role of adults is to enable and care for them. We will certainly be able to provide them with joint engagement. I am very pleased that this year children with some form of disability and children without parental care have the opportunity to participate in this sports camp because they also have to have the same opportunities as other children, for which the line ministry is actively committed, “Djordjevic said.
The Minister emphasized that this camp, which continues on Zlatibor, will contribute to improving not only the physical, but also mental health of children, which is of great importance for them.
Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ Affairs and Social Affairs, together with the Sport Club Vasarište from Kragujevac that takes care of children with diabetes or at risk of this disease and the Small Football Club Mungosi Zemun, within which there is a section for working with children with disability and developmental disorders, launched an initiative to include children with different types of disabilities this year.
This year around 1000 boys and girls from 32 countries, from 5 continents, participate in the Campaign DEKI 5, which is being implemented on Kopaonik, from July 21 to August 10, and in Zlatibor, from July 21 to August 24.
The aim of the camp is the comprehensive development of the personality of young athletes, boys and girls aged 8 to 15 who will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the numerous visitors who visit the camp as well as with their peers coming from all over Serbia.
In addition to everyday football training, the participants of the Camp every day have organized 45 minutes of interactive education in which they receive useful information in the field of: psychology, necessary safety in Internet use, healthy eating, importance of education, regardless of sports career, and half day trips are also provided , theater performances at the hotel, entertaining workshops and the like.