If you are going to Kopaonik from the direction of Jošanička Banja, or you are already on Kopaonik, or you are in the vicinity, do not forget that you have the opportunity to stop and refresh yourself in the aqua park “Draguljica” in Jošanička Banja, which is filled with thermo-mineral water.
Entrance to the pool for a full day stay is 300 dinars, while entrance for children under 7 is free. The pool is open every day during the summer season from 09:00 until 18:00.
While you are in the aqua park “Draguljica” and enjoy, you can look for refreshment in a cafe or order from very kind waiters soft and alcoholic drinks, beer, cold and hot drinks, ice cream, sandwiches … at very reasonable prices.
There is also a smaller pool that is also filled with mineral water and cooled.
For more information call +381 64 824 42 52 – to get to the Aqua Park Draguljica MAP
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